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The e-commerce.

Free products - Can the payment process be skipped?


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Im looking at using oscommerce as a starting point for a potential new project. They do not want to sell products but they do want to let people order samples of products. If we set the products value to zero can the payment process part of the website be skipped / removed?

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Im looking at using oscommerce as a starting point for a potential new project. They do not want to sell products but they do want to let people order samples of products. If we set the products value to zero can the payment process part of the website be skipped / removed?


sure this can be done.. this should not be an issue.. try installed a dummy payment module, if the order total is zero, set the module as the payment module and redirect to checkout confirmation. Also, do make changes to the confirmation page so that the billing address is not visible. ( I think you might possibly want to set the billing address to same as shipping address. Am not very sure of this point though. )



Let us know how it goes.



Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.

-- Henry David Thoreau --

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