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osCommerce VTS


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Not that I can think of


Did you do this step?


* Copy one of the following files to the AV directory and rename it to validfiles.def









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Yeah geoff done that it appears to be working if i use the Grep function and search for a string in a specified folder it finds the files but when I run a full scan the page just continuously loads



Loaded 300 virus definitions

Loaded 64 files definitions

Loaded 687 valid file name


what out put should be showing after it has loaded in the def files ?

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  • 3 years later...


Managed to run the Virus checker 


Are these false positives I have add many security features and file edits


File could be a potentional threat: /mydomain.com/public_html/cookie_usage.php  (Known filename threat)

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/AV/grep.php (Known automated hack <=> error_reporting(0) ) on line: 44

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/av.php (Known automated hack <=> error_reporting(0) ) on line: 11

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/modules.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 212


File could be a potentional threat: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/includes/languages/english/mail.php  (Known filename threat)


Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/includes/modules/newsletters/product_notification.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 61

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 405

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/includes/javascript/spiffyCal/spiffyCal_v2_1.js (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 76

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/includes/javascript/calendarcode.js (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 57

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/configuration.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 125

File could be a potentional threat: /mydomain.com/public_html/admin/mail.php  (Known filename threat)

File could be a potentional threat: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/languages/english/cookie_usage.php  (Known filename threat)

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/functions/compatibility.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 86

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/functions/general.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 486

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/osc_sec.php (Known automated hack <=> eval(base64_decode ) on line: 408

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/osc_sec.php (Known automated hack <=> eval( ) on line: 408

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/osc_sec.php (Known automated hack <=> iframe) on line: 412

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/osc_sec.php (Known automated hack <=> passthru ) on line: 445

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/osc_sec.php (Known automated hack <=> shell_exec ) on line: 410

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/index.html (Htaccess Rewrite <=> ErrorDocument ) on line: 9

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/includes/.htaccess (Htaccess Rewrite <=> RewriteRule .* http: ) on line: 30

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/.htaccess (Htaccess Rewrite <=> mod_rewrite.c ) on line: 102

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/.htaccess (Htaccess Rewrite <=> ErrorDocument ) on line: 47

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/.htaccess (Known automated hack <=> passthru ) on line: 120

Possible Infection: /mydomain.com/public_html/.htaccess (Known automated hack <=> shell_exec ) on line: 126



HAVE renamed admin did not setup the ftp part of the scanner


Also added .htaccess security and osc_sec , security pro. 


Oscommerce ms2.2 I know it's old.

Edited by jamo32

Using Bootstrap 8-)

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