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Admin Section Keeps logging out


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Something seems to have changed and now everytime I click on something in the admin section it signs me out and I have to sign back in and then it does this over and over until it finally works. Can someone tell me what is going wrong?

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Something seems to have changed and now everytime I click on something in the admin section it signs me out and I have to sign back in and then it does this over and over until it finally works. Can someone tell me what is going wrong?



your loosing your session due to an invalidly constructed link http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=330479&hl



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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umm ok but how do I fix this? This issue only started appearing about 2-3 days ago...it wasn't an issue before at all.


I can't tell if this is happening on my site, haven't had a customer say so but it happens in the admin section. It isn't particular to anything and I haven't changed anything recently so I don't understand why this would just start happening.

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