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Problem Adding Rows in Products Table


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Please help me. I am having difficulty adding rows in the Products Table. I can add/replace the original 27 products that came with the osCommerce Product Table, but when I add more than 27 product rows in my phpMyAdmin, they do not appear in my web site's shopping cart when I click "Add to Cart". I receive the following message in phpMyAdmin when the 28th product row is added (Showing rows 0 - 27 (28 total, Query took 0.0001 sec)).


Thank you for your time



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Please help me. I am having difficulty adding rows in the Products Table. I can add/replace the original 27 products that came with the osCommerce Product Table, but when I add more than 27 product rows in my phpMyAdmin, they do not appear in my web site's shopping cart when I click "Add to Cart". I receive the following message in phpMyAdmin when the 28th product row is added (Showing rows 0 - 27 (28 total, Query took 0.0001 sec)).


Thank you for your time



Products are stored in multiple tables. You just cannot add the product to the products table by itself. What exactly are you trying to do? Is there a reason why you cannot use the administrator console to add your products?

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Hello Mark.


Don't mind me. I am new at this. What I am trying to do is replace the existing products given as examples by oscommerce and replace them with my clients and add additional products above and beyond in the future. Would you mind taking the time to explain the process to me?


Thank you.



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This is something even your client would be able to do: In admin>catalog>categories/products there are buttons such as "new category", "new product", "edit", "delete" etc


If you press them, they do what they promise

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