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Hi there,


I am still experiencing problems with sessions getting lost. I do not even use SSL anymore, but still there are a lot of complaints:



  2. - When trying to look at the products, sometimes you get a 403 forbidden. When you manually erase the session id in the link, it works again
  3. - When you try to look at the products, sometimes you are redirected to the login.php for no reason. If you click elsewhere two or three times, it works again
  4. - When having "Recreate Session" from Configuration => Sessions switched on, every time the customer tries to login, the entire shopping cart gets erased and he still is not logged in but redirected to the login.php again


I use osCommerce 2.2-MS2 with Ultimate SEO Urls on an Apache Server with PHP 5.2.1 and MySQL 5. My sessions are stored in the database and I have persistent connections switched off. Any comments and help appreciated.



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