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How do I change kilograms to grams?


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I installed a new shipping module called TPG-Post.

The new module calculates in grams, but OsCommerce calculates in kg's.


How do I switch to grams in OsCommerce?


I hope somebody can help me out here.


thanks in advanced

greetings, Richard

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OS doesnt care about units - gram / kilo / pound - they are all the same to OS.


Just a number with a suffix - just input the weight in whatever unit you like when you create the product in Admin and it will display the weight in whatever unit you have shown in the shipping module language file.



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Yes I know that, but my problem is that I want to display the weight in grams. And when I insert a new product, I can't make the weight more than 99.99 'untits'. When I type for example for the weight 400, the script automatically changes it to 99,99. The script figures that there is no way that somebody orders product weighing more than 100 kg's.


Where can I change the maximum weight?

greetings, Richard

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What version of OSC are you using?


I just tried on a snapshot from around July 2002, and on MS1 and it was accepting xxxx.xx weights ok. This was when editing them in the product listing.



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