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Hey everybody! I recently got my template changed but the Categories menu on the left, it's links arent working. I click on any of the categories and they go nowhere, they just stay at the homepage... Can anyone help me with this?


Also, my product images arent coming up, they just show as little red X's with the pruduct name beside it, if anyone can help me with either of these problems I would GREATLY appreciate it!


Thanks a bunch!

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[...]I recently got my template changed [...]


Can you say exactly what you did? In what way you changed the template, what files?


Your issues can have many reasons, for example, the red X means a missing image, this can be because the image is not on the server, or that the images folder has not the right permissions, or that the path to the images folder is wrong or I don't know. Maybe you deleted the old images folder when uploading the template? Maybe you didn't update the paths in the 2 configure,php files?


Similar for the categories issue. I would start looking at the paths in the configure,php files. Also maybe check my .htaccess file if I use any seo url addon

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