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The e-commerce.

subcategory is located on too right side.


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Hello all member,


In the 'Browse by category', the categories are located on the left looking perfectly. But when I click on one of the category see subcategories, the subcategories are located way too right side.


Please instruct me to move the subcategory position.


Thank a lot,

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Do you have any other contributions installed that have changed the Doc Type in the product_info.php file ??





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Well, I am going to suggest the doc type has been altered. The default doc type is:


<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



check your product_info.php file to see if it has been changed.


Just a note: Template creators often 'hack' up base OSC code so getting support here will be a little more difficult but we will do the best we can. It would be helpful to offer the URL to your site so we can see the layout as well.





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Oh ok,


I see now. The category layout.


Look in the stylesheet for class m13, reduce the left margin to suit your needs.




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If I made you confused, sorry about that Chris,


I actually tried with m13. But whatever I edit makes difference in the whole category including the category and subcategory.

Is there specific code to move only the subcategory a little to left side?

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Oh no problem, that's why I said that seeing the site helps a lot.


As far as I can tell, the categories and sub-categories are assigned the same class. However, in the source code there are 6 nbsp; before your sub-category listing. This may be on the actual index.php page if you want to look for them there.





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  • 1 month later...

how can i move to the right the subcategory?



i was unable to find anything about how to move to the right the subcategories

can you please help me?

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