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Any way to set Payment Method in order to VISA, AMEX, etc instead of Credit Card?


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Currently I am using the Authorize.net to process my credit card payments. However instead of recording it as pay by VISA, Master Card, AMEX, Discover, the payment method recorded in the order is always "Credit Card." Instead of indicating "Payment Method: Credit Card" I would like it to say "Payment Method: VISA", etc. Is it possible and how can I change this.


Please Help!


Thank you in advance.

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If you have the first 4 digits of the credit card number, that tells you which card it is. If you don't have the CC number, that won't work. I'm not familiar with Authorize.net, but it sounds like a payment gateway, where you should have the CC number at some point.

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If you have the first 4 digits of the credit card number, that tells you which card it is. If you don't have the CC number, that won't work. I'm not familiar with Authorize.net, but it sounds like a payment gateway, where you should have the CC number at some point.

Thanks for the reply. That's not what I trying to find out. If you look at the order where it says "Payment Method" currently all the credit card payments, whether it is pay by VISA, AMEX, etc., are all indicated as "Credit Card" instead of indicating it as VISA, Mastercard, or AMEX. What I want is for it to say "Payment Method: VISA" instead of "Payment Method: Credit Card".

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