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Hi, have installed SPPC and Price Break for SPPC. All works nice, but i want the Quantity Block to be the same as the retail group has if i dont set it to anything else. Today it automaticly set to 1 in each SPPC group. This even if the Retail group has quantity block to etc 12.




I am not sure I understand your question.


The SPPC QPB contribution sets blocks to 1 if you do not enter a different value. If you enter a different value then the minimum number of blocks the customer can purchase is set to the value you entered.






But if i set the value to 12 in the retail group in one item, the value in all the other groups are still 1. Is to make all the other groups to have the same value as retail group if there is no value in the other group.


this is one example.


Item called GPS.

SPPC grpups: Retial (The standard one) and sppcgroupeone.


If i in Retail group set Quantity Block to 12, the customers in retail group only can buy 12 or 24 or 36 etc of the item GPS.

But the customers in sppcgroupeone still can buy 1 or 2 or 3 etc of the item GPS.


Is there any place in the codes to change the to something like this:


IF SPPC group Quantity Block is 0 then use group Retail Quantity Block number.

Of course it have to be 0 as default in QB on all groups, not 1 as today.




You should actually post this in the SPPC support thread. Jan is the creator of SPPC and monitors that thread. He may have suggestions for you.





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