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What is wrong with this query?


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I would like to have a report of the total weight of products per order and a weight total per month.


This I would like to add to the report Detail Monthly Sales which uses data from table orders_total.


Someone was kind enough to offer to help me but we are stock now...Here is the plan:


This query below got me the product ids for lets say order 391


SELECT `products_id`

FROM `orders_products`

WHERE `orders_id` = '391'


And this SQL query got me the sum of the item weights for order 391


SELECT SUM( products.products_weight )

FROM products

INNER JOIN orders_products ON orders_products.products_id = products.products_id

WHERE orders_products.orders_id = '391'


So this is what we added to the php file:


$weight_total_query = tep_db_query( "SELECT SUM( products.products_weight ) FROM products INNER JOIN orders_products ON orders_products.products_id = products.products_id WHERE orders_products.orders_id WHERE orders_id = " . $orders " );

$weight_total = tep_db_fetch_array( $weight_total_query );


Unfortunately it didn't work.


Any suggestions?





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Have you tried it in phpMyAdmin? Verified that there is a valid product_id in the orders_products and a valid weight in the products table?


Try this form....


SELECT SUM( products.products_weight )
FROM products, orders_products where orders_products.products_id = products.products_id
and orders_products.orders_id = '10005'       <------- put a valid number here

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Did you really have this code...

WHERE orders_products.orders_id WHERE orders_id = " . $orders " );

Of course that will fail! You have two major errors in it: two WHEREs and a stray " at the end. Here's your corrected query:

$weight_total_query = tep_db_query( "SELECT SUM( products.products_weight ) AS total 
FROM products p INNER JOIN orders_products op ON op.products_id = p.products_id 
WHERE op.orders_id = '" . $orders . "';");

If your manual query in phpMyAdmin worked, then this should work (assuming $orders is a valid value, such as 391. $weight_total will be an array with one element 'total'. Be sure to check if there are 0 rows or more than 1 row.

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