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:?: OK....I've searched the forums up and down and I probably missed it.....So I have to ask... where do I add or delete images to the middle ot the front page under TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS and where do I change that heading title????

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This is what I had to do to completely remove this. After going into the language file and removing the items I wanted to remove I ended up with the word Main_Text.


Removing the default text on the main page: The text shown here can be modified in the following file, on each language basis: [path to catalog]/includes/languages/[language]/default.php.


That can be edited manually, or via the Administration Tool with the Languages->[language]->Define option, or by using the Tools->File Manager feature.


After Open catalog/default.php. Then remove from line 362 to 364. It should read something like this:


<td class=?main?><br><?php echo TEXT_MAIN; ?></td>


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Where in chefjeff's posting did it say anything about touching any TEXT? He was asking about the New Products Box Heading, not the Main Page Text!





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No... it should say "New Products for [month]" by default. If yoiu are seeing TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS, that means that its unable to locate the language file where the TEXT for this box heading is stored, which is catalog/includes/languages/english/default.php.


Make sure that this specific file is actually there and the permissions on it are set appropriately.



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The file, catalog/default.php, is referenced by the languague file catalog/includes/languages/english/DEFAULT.PHP... not index.php!!!


If you are seeing index.php instead of default.php, make sure you are not in the ADMIN directory structure and modifying the wrong file.


Good Luck!



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