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How can I remove the featured products and put something else there?


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Hi guys,


Check out the featured products on my site: http://vivalatee.com/index.php


The boxes don't fit the text or images and so everything looks messy. I want to remove it or something...or have them display another way so it looks a little neater. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?





G'day, firstly upload your spacer image:


As far as the 4 main images lining up, they are all 150 x 150 and the only thing that spoils it is the length of your text, 2 of the boxes have 2 lines of text and the other two boxes have one line of text. If you limit yourself to just one line of text, all the boxes will line up. If on the other hand, you need two lines of text, you can add some 'invisible' spacers when you have a short one line text and it should be two lines. Actually looking at your page, I'm make the font size smaller, which would probably fit the two current lines of text into one line.

Regards Ron

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G'day, firstly upload your spacer image:


As far as the 4 main images lining up, they are all 150 x 150 and the only thing that spoils it is the length of your text, 2 of the boxes have 2 lines of text and the other two boxes have one line of text. If you limit yourself to just one line of text, all the boxes will line up. If on the other hand, you need two lines of text, you can add some 'invisible' spacers when you have a short one line text and it should be two lines. Actually looking at your page, I'm make the font size smaller, which would probably fit the two current lines of text into one line.

I saw that the spacer was missing earlier...don't know what happened there - uploaded!


Thanks, that works! Reduced the font size and everything fits.


Thank you :).

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