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The e-commerce.

General problems with security and certificates


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I am new to OS Commerce, but I have been able to do the basic installation and configuration.


When test-driving my catalog, either to login, or to register, infact everything that needs HTTPS connection, two things happen:

1. I get a security alert saying:

The security certificate is from a trusted certifying authority.

The security certificate has expired or is not yet valid.

The name on the certificate is invalid or does not match the name on

the site

2. I click Continue, and the browser tries to access the HTTPS url containing some encoded parameters.

3. The webserver returns an error 404 (page not found) status, which I can alaso read in my weberserver's ssl_access_log.



What is the real problem and how do I solve it?

When I have solved this problem for myself, how about users of my store, how should I solve the problem for them.


Thanks in advance.



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Through the control panel of mey website, I requested a certificate and got a reply email with a Private Key part and a Certificate Request part in the body of the email.


My problem is what part to save on my computer.




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