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PHP Coding Question


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Not really good with PHP yet.


I had a major problem with page centering the past couple days. Corrected, not but not sure what caused it.


Is the following code which I had in my index.php from the English directory acceptable?? Note: The addition of the

<center></center> to the line.


define('HEADING_TITLE', '<center>Turkey-Ridge Only The Best For Your Pet</center>');


I was trying to center this text under the picture. It worked, but something made some

pages out of format. Could this have done it?





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It could depend on just exactly where HEADING_TITLE was being used. If it was off by itself, that shouldn't cause any problem, but if it was in turn within a paragraph (<p>HEADING_TITLE</p>) or a heading (<h2>HEADING_TITLE</h2>) that might have gotten your browser confused. See where the text ends up on the page -- if it's within a heading or paragraph, you might need to change a template somewhere, to center the heading or paragraph in its entirety, not the text within the heading or paragraph.

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It could depend on just exactly where HEADING_TITLE was being used. If it was off by itself, that shouldn't cause any problem, but if it was in turn within a paragraph (<p>HEADING_TITLE</p>) or a heading (<h2>HEADING_TITLE</h2>) that might have gotten your browser confused. See where the text ends up on the page -- if it's within a heading or paragraph, you might need to change a template somewhere, to center the heading or paragraph in its entirety, not the text within the heading or paragraph.


Thank you


I am testing it now. I don't think that was the problem I was having before. As an example, I just added it to the index.php file in the includes\languages\english directory and it seems to be working fine.




Thanks again for your help with this.



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The center element is deprecated.

Given that osC v2 is completely table-driven (non-CSS) layout, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over using <center>! osC v2 uses a lot of deprecated elements and attributes. osC v3 is supposedly pretty clean.

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Given that osC v2 is completely table-driven (non-CSS) layout, I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over using <center>! osC v2 uses a lot of deprecated elements and attributes. osC v3 is supposedly pretty clean.

True but still not a bad habbit to get into.

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The center element is deprecated.


Styling Text


Thanks to both of you


Either way I'm glad I have it working but want to try and stay as true to form on the code as possible. All I have ever done is basic html so this is difficult but interesting. Looks like I need to do a bit more reading.


The Styling Text link was very useful.


Also the other link at the bottom of your post.



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