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The e-commerce.

feasabilty please


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i need to knwo if this could be a feasible solution to my problem.


I need to be able to add muiltiple products into my cart at once....not just multiple quantities of 1 product, almost like a apckage where they select their items and then they get added to the cart after selection.


I dont think there is a contribution to do thi so im thinking i may write some php/javascript to do the product_info form dynamically then based n the variables they choose submit all items simultanoesly to the cart.


My concern is im under HUGE deadline and have to crank this out fast...i dont wnat to have to significantly rewrite anywhing else...but if i can do this little form substitution i may be able to pull it off.....can nayone see any great barriers in my way that om just not seeing before i begin....thanks so much for your help

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