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How do I export sql file without content?


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We are having some outsourced modifications done to our OSC web site and the coder wants a SQL file of our database. Our site is live and receiving orders, but I dont see any security issues if I was to provide this file to him, as long as it did not have any of our sites database "content". Am I correct? Also how would I get a SQL backup without the content?




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We are having some outsourced modifications done to our OSC web site and the coder wants a SQL file of our database. Our site is live and receiving orders, but I dont see any security issues if I was to provide this file to him, as long as it did not have any of our sites database "content". Am I correct? Also how would I get a SQL backup without the content?






What kind of content u don`t want to give to coder?

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What kind of content u don`t want to give to coder?


Anything with customers detials or order details. I would like to just supply the database as a template without any of our content, but mostly just customer information.




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Anything with customers detials or order details. I would like to just supply the database as a template without any of our content, but mostly just customer information.






U need to export you DB and edit it!


Delete all the costumers and other info u don`t want to give out, or take a fresh installation of you web version and give to him default DB.

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You can choose which information to export using myphpadmin. Just select which tables, whether you want to include the structure and data or just the data.




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