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The e-commerce.

store owner emailadres in some occasions empty


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Dear friends of osCommerce,


I recently found out a very very weird problem in my osCommerce shop. Most of my customers normally receive our automated order / register emails by oscommerce. However I found out that sometimes the store owner emailadres is blank in those emails, which causes problems in my qmail server (the emails hang in the qmail queue) so my customers don't receive their emails.



I'm using osCommerce V2.2 rc2a. I have installed the Uhtml mod (latest version). I'm using "sendmail" for my outgoing emails. My server is running OpenSuse 10.2.



Please help me out, spend hours searching for a solution.


Thanks in advance.

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This "sometimes" must have some kind of logic, did you try to figure anything out in that direction?


The only logic I found out is that when a customer doesn't receive the emails, the customer doesn't receive any emails from oscommerce. So it's all or nothing...

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I'm now trying to use SMTP to send my emails, however I receive every email twice..


Hi. Did you find a solution to the duplicate emails when using smtp? I have the same issue, but have to use smtp because for some reason, following a server move, sendmail no longer works with the osCommerce mailer (and my hosting company aren't being particularly helpful). Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

first I want to say thanks for the great support on this forum *cough*.


Hi. Did you find a solution to the duplicate emails when using smtp? I have the same issue, but have to use smtp because for some reason, following a server move, sendmail no longer works with the osCommerce mailer (and my hosting company aren't being particularly helpful). Thanks.


Yes I did find a solution. Apparently it has nothing to do with osCommerce but it was a configuration problem of the FQDN address of my email server (qmail). I'm using PLESK and an update to PLESK 9.2.2 caused the files /var/qmail/control/me and /var/qmail/control/locals to f*ck up (the short name of the domain was set, instead of the fqdn). There is a very simple solution though":


1. Go to settings >> server settings in PLESK.

2. Copy the input of "Full hostname *", clear the field and paste it in again and press OK.

3. The FQDN address should now be correct in the files /var/qmail/control/me and /var/qmail/control/locals.


Problem is gone. If this doesn't work just contact me ;)

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