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File manager


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I read alot about not using file manager because of hackers and the best thing is to deleat it compleatly and use your hosts admin control center.Since I have been using osc I have never used the file manager. What I did was, because I do not like deleating things, was to remove the link for tools in cat/admin/index php then comment out both "file manager" and "define languages" in admin/includes/boxes/tools.php I suppose I could comment out the file icon as well. I have two passwords one to get into admin and one to open any part of it.


So my question is. Is this O.K. or have I missed something.


Regards Mel

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I read alot about not using file manager because of hackers and the best thing is to deleat it compleatly and use your hosts admin control center.Since I have been using osc I have never used the file manager. What I did was, because I do not like deleating things, was to remove the link for tools in cat/admin/index php then comment out both "file manager" and "define languages" in admin/includes/boxes/tools.php I suppose I could comment out the file icon as well. I have two passwords one to get into admin and one to open any part of it.


So my question is. Is this O.K. or have I missed something.


Regards Mel



No, when the hackers access your file they do so directly, not via your links, so removing the links is pointless, its a bad util, delete it!!


There are also hacks to bypass your admin passwords, unless you have followed the preventitve measures.


How to secure your site: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=313323



Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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No, when the hackers access your file they do so directly, not via your links, so removing the links is pointless, its a bad util, delete it!!


There are also hacks to bypass your admin passwords, unless you have followed the preventitve measures.


How to secure your site: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=313323


Thanks Spooks now deleated.


Regards Mel

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