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I have categories on the top that will then bring up the left column. My page is here You can type in tracy on search if you want to bring up a search. I am curious as to how I will link the accessories, shoes, bags, etc. from the top to the left column. Thanks so much!

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I have categories on the top that will then bring up the left column. My page is here You can type in tracy on search if you want to bring up a search. I am curious as to how I will link the accessories, shoes, bags, etc. from the top to the left column. Thanks so much!


Also, for some reason they are backwards and I can't seem to figure out why

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It looks to me like you created that page with FrontPage or Dreamweaver ???



If you are going to do that, you need to use STS or BTS and add the variables for each link into your HTML template. Your cart will not work like that.






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It looks to me like you created that page with FrontPage or Dreamweaver ???



If you are going to do that, you need to use STS or BTS and add the variables for each link into your HTML template. Your cart will not work like that.







I took it into dreamweaver and added my images. Is using STS or BTS going to mess other add-ons up that I am using? Will that be a huge change? Thanks :) I do have most pages in HTML/CSS, but didn't think I could use them so I have just been adding everything into the oscommerce files.

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