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I can't get Shipping to display on order page


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Hey, I'm using oscommerce which I think is a great merchandising script I'm just having one problem whenever you order the first page for selecting shipment comes up, that works fine but you come to the confirmation page and it's not there....I have looked and looked but can not seem to fix this problem if anybody could help I would greatly appreciate it. By the way you can see the store at http://catalog.steelragepro.com

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes that's how it looks but it still doesn't show Shipping on the order confirmation page just Sub-Total, Tax and Total

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I am having somewhat of a similar issue.

I have noticed a difference when at the order_confirmation, if I click on checkout and go through the checkout again, it saves the shipping information differently... I'm still trying to figure this one out, good luck.

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