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Columns from 3 to 2 under Category view


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I've searched around for an answer before posting my question, and while I've found a couple of similar things, none seem to be what I'm after, hence my post. If I've somehow missed a thread that discusses this please let me know.


I've changed my front page from 3 columns to just 2. However, I now want the same 2 columns to show when I click on a category. Currently under the category view it shows the 3 columns. How can I change this to 2?


Thanks in advance,


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Hmm. I'm using a template and it seems that when I use those add ons it doesn't work so well with my template. Is there any other way around this? I can't believe how difficult it seems (from reading around on the issue)to just reduce or increase the columns on the product listing page. I changed the front page of the site in a matter of seconds. Blah.

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It might seem an easy thing to do onthe face of it, but it does require quite a lot of code change to make it happen.

You have to remember the new products module is already in column the product listing is in rows.

It depends on the template you have there how difficult it will be to add an add on




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