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The e-commerce.

Order Confirmation ( checkout_confirmation.php )


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I have a problem with the order confirmation. On http://www.incro.nl/ga you can find a oscommerce which is adapted for vacation rentals. There is a problem with the order's, attributes and making an account.


When a booking is made before someone is logged in to an account, so the account is created in the ordering process, you will have the attributes of the residence on the order confirmation but not the cost of renting the house itself. (on page checkout_confirmation.php )



Is there a booking made with an existing account, so pick a date and log in to an existing account on the next page, then it is all neatly listed. First the cost of the options, then the cost of renting the house.




Since I am a beginner with php I hope there is someone who can help me with this. My simple view tells me there is a code missing but I have no idea if that is right and which code this will be.


(Test bookings can be made at this site because it's a test site. In apartments -> 1 Bedroom code 111 is an open calendar which can be booked without attributes. Then the order confirmation is right. When code 357 is booked with attributes the order confirmation is wrong because it's missing the rental costs of the house)

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