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Banner Help

Dirt Hammer

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Newbie here,


Yes I need banner help. I'm able to upload banners to 0scommerce banner manger but having issues with my phpmyadmin. I have searched the forum here for answers but didn't find what I need. Here's what I need help with, First phpadmin is new to me. I have found the banner files inside my php but not sure what to change and where to change to get the banner to display. any help? thanks.


sorry for the many post at one time, click happy.

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You do not have to alter the SQL database to change the banner. If you are changing your heading banner, alter the catalog>includes>header.php file (reference store_logo.png)


If you want to change the footer banner, do so in the Admin panel under tools, banner manager.





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You do not have to alter the SQL database to change the banner. If you are changing your heading banner, alter the catalog>includes>header.php file (reference store_logo.png)


If you want to change the footer banner, do so in the Admin panel under tools, banner manager.






Thanks for the rpely.


I might have confused everybody or even myself. I'm trying to get my banner to be displayed.

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If you are speaking about your HEADER, then you can either create a NEW HEADER banner and name it store_logo.png then upload it into the /images directory which will over-write the existing image.........OR, edit the catalog>includes>header.php file and change the file name from store_logo.png to whatever your file name is, THEN upload your new Header image to the /images directory.





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If you are speaking about your HEADER, then you can either create a NEW HEADER banner and name it store_logo.png then upload it into the /images directory which will over-write the existing image.........OR, edit the catalog>includes>header.php file and change the file name from store_logo.png to whatever your file name is, THEN upload your new Header image to the /images directory.






I have uploaded a banner to the banner manager but the banner doesn't display on the store front. Where can I find catalog>includes>header.php file? I have searched through my phpadmin. Where's store_logo.png? Can't locate it. Sorry if these are dumb quesitons and maybe I'm over my head here. Thanks.

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OK, the banner you uploaded using banner manager is for the FOOTER. Not the header. You will need to upload your banner image using an FTP program.


Then download and edit the catalog>includes>header.php file and change store_logo.png to yourimagename.jpg (whatever you named your banner).


The upload the header.php back to your server.



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OK, the banner you uploaded using banner manager is for the FOOTER. Not the header. You will need to upload your banner image using an FTP program.


Then download and edit the catalog>includes>header.php file and change store_logo.png to yourimagename.jpg (whatever you named your banner).


The upload the header.php back to your server.




The banner I uploaded still doesn't display on the store front at the footer. Thanks for your help but it seems I'm way over my head with this oscommerce thing.

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No the banner you uploaded probably will not display on the footer as the footer banner is restricted to 468x50 in size. Use your FTP program to add and modify files as I said above.


If you did everything and still don't see the changes........hold ctrl and hit F5 to refresh your browser, sometimes browsers use the cached version instead of the new version.





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No the banner you uploaded probably will not display on the footer as the footer banner is restricted to 468x50 in size. Use your FTP program to add and modify files as I said above.


If you did everything and still don't see the changes........hold ctrl and hit F5 to refresh your browser, sometimes browsers use the cached version instead of the new version.








Thanks for your help but I'm going to drop this becuase it's over my head. I don't understand the FTP accounts listed in my cpanel. Thanks again.

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Hi Art,


I am sorry to hear that. Once you figure out the structure of OSC, it gets much easier. If you ask your host about using FTP to access your files, I am sure they can give you instructions and can get OSC running in no time at all.


If you have any further questions, or need 'private support' please PM me.





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