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add sub categories to product_info


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Hi all.


I have several categories with several sub categories.

for example one of the categories is: DVD and is sub categories are: Action; Comedy and so on...

Many movies are action and comedy movies... I would like that in the product_info page, the subcategories of that particullary movie to be displayed (as link or not :) ). Is that possible???

it has been 2 days searching and getting nowhere!!! :(


Could please someone help me... I've searched the contribuitions but I don't know if it's lack of sleep, but didn't find any.


Thank you in advanced. :)

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Hi all.


I have several categories with several sub categories.

for example one of the categories is: DVD and is sub categories are: Action; Comedy and so on...

Many movies are action and comedy movies... I would like that in the product_info page, the subcategories of that particullary movie to be displayed (as link or not :) ). Is that possible???

it has been 2 days searching and getting nowhere!!! :(


Could please someone help me... I've searched the contribuitions but I don't know if it's lack of sleep, but didn't find any.


Thank you in advanced. :)

You mean like the breadcrumb trail above the product itself? You want it repeated in the product information again?

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No. What I was thinking is for example under the product description something like:



bla bla bla...


Action, Comedy, Drama (the sub caterogories that the product is linked to).


The breadcrumb trail only shows one of the sub categories that the product is linked.


I don't know if is understandable what i'm asking for... I've seen it on one dvd store, but don't recall where :(

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No. What I was thinking is for example under the product description something like:



bla bla bla...


Action, Comedy, Drama (the sub caterogories that the product is linked to).


The breadcrumb trail only shows one of the sub categories that the product is linked.


I don't know if is understandable what i'm asking for... I've seen it on one dvd store, but don't recall where :(

Ok, I see. A movie is linked to multiple categories and you want to display the other categories....

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Exactly. Is that possible? could you help me? Thank you

Yeah, it is, but it will take a while. Maybe someone will know of an add on that does this already and post.


When a product is linked to another category a new entry with the same product_id is written into the products_to_categories table with the same product_id. It is just a matter of querying the db and look for additional instances of the current product_id.

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This is crude and not tep compliant, and doesn't provide the entire category path, just the final sub-cat. Maybe someone will edit this for you with those features... If someone is kind enough to do that I'll package it up into a contribution.


<!-- add in for products linked to multiple categories -->
      <td align=center class="main">
        // set product_id
        $mlp_pid = $product_info['products_id'];
        $mlp_check = array();
        // see if it is linked to multiple categories
        $mlp_check_query = mysql_query("select categories_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " where products_id = '" . $mlp_pid . "'");
        echo "This product appears in the following categories:<BR><BR>";
        while ($mlp_check = mysql_fetch_array($mlp_check_query)) {
           // looping through each category
           $mlp_categories_query = mysql_query("select categories_name from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " where categories_id = '" . $mlp_check['categories_id'] . "' limit 1");
           $mlp_category_name = mysql_fetch_array($mlp_categories_query);
           echo "<a href=\"index.php?cPath=" . $mlp_check['categories_id'] . "\">" . $mlp_category_name['categories_name'] . "</a><BR>";
<!-- end add in for products linked to multiple categories -->

Community Bootstrap Edition, Edge


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