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Upgrading from 2.1


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I wonder if somebody could help. I have an old shop that I have copied to a new server to try n upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2. I have tried upgrading but I get the error saying Register_globals needs turning on but I have read this is really a no go. I've read a couple of the fixes but the code they want to edit out doesn't exist in some files as the fixes are quite old.


Is there a way to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 latest version.


The website has a template on it but even the original old oscommerce 2.1 doesn't work at the mo






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Is there a way to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 latest version.

I believe the download of 2.2MS2 at SourceForge contains scripts to upgrade from MS1 to MS2.


MS2 will not work with register globals off. You would need to use something like Upgrading osC from 2.2 Milestone 2 to 2.2 RC2a to get to the latest version (and another upgrade will be coming in the near future).

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I believe the download of 2.2MS2 at SourceForge contains scripts to upgrade from MS1 to MS2.

I believe that the original question was about going from 2.1 to 2.2, not 2.2 MS1 to 2.2 MS2. If the OP was talking about 2.2 MS1 (not 2.1), "never mind" (--Emily Litella).


osC 2.1 is so old that you're best off making a fresh install of 2.2 RC2a and re-installing your add-ons (recent versions) and custom modifications, rather than trying to upgrade. There might be scripts to upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, and from MS2 to RC2a, but there might be gaps in the middle. You can try it, but I think you will find it easier to start over from RC2a than to try to upgrade from such an old version. Note that if you install 2.2 RC2a, you will need to manually address any differences in the database structure before you can import your old store database (if that's the intent, rather than starting off with a clean slate for the store).


MS2 will not work with register globals off

You might be able to do the upgrade from MS2 to RC2a with them off, but if your server doesn't permit you to turn them back on, MS2 won't run anyway (as @Jan said).


and another upgrade will be coming in the near future.

Don't hold your breath. RC3 was promised over a month ago. I would proceed with RC2a and then upgrade to RC3 when and if it comes out.

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