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Invoice date


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I was questioning myself about months replacement with translation for my language, displayed in INVOICE what is sent to client and on admin site printing invoice.


Can this be possible to do this


now i get MAR 03 2010


the goal is Marts 03 2010





March - english


Marts - Latvian (i have some special characters in some months)


i was thinking something about this:









define('MONTH_JAN', 'Janvāris);

define('MONTH_FEB', 'Februāris);




Is this possible?

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I was messing around with PHP


and here is what i have got, but i think it`s can be made a bit more easy!


if ($date == "Jan".date(" d, Y"))

	echo "Janvāris".date(" d, Y");

elseif ($date == "Feb".date(" d, Y"))
	echo "Februāris".date(" d, Y");

elseif ($date == "Mar".date(" d, Y"))
	echo "Marts".date(" d, Y");

elseif ($date == "Apr".date(" d, Y"))
	echo "Aprīlis".date(" d, Y");

	echo "ERROR";


p.s. code is not complete for 12 months but only for 4


This i will add in cataloge/print_my_invoice.php | cataloge/admin/invoice.php | cataloge/admin/packingslip.php etc.


Can some one help make it not so complicated?

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I was messing around with PHP


and here is what i have got, but i think it`s can be made a bit more easy!




p.s. code is not complete for 12 months but only for 4


This i will add in cataloge/print_my_invoice.php | cataloge/admin/invoice.php | cataloge/admin/packingslip.php etc.


Can some one help make it not so complicated?

Look up the CASE statement in a php manual.

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This thread has some useful code in it.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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This thread has some useful code in it.



I think this dose not the job, not so easy!


I have tryed this out. but with no success... :(



Need to stuck with if and ifelse



The case statement i don`t really get work, i think it will take some time form me to learn it! wish me luck and any help is accepted! :)

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Got this with statement CASE


if ($date == $men.date(" d, Y")){

$men = date("M");

switch ($men) {

  case "Jan" :
  echo "Janvāris";

  case "Feb" :
  echo "Februāris";

  case "Mar" :
  echo "Marts";

  default :
  echo "ERROR";



i can`t get it right to make work with array statement replace..

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Do you have somewhere a non-default date format of M d Y? If that's what you're using, it sounds like your server is configured for English, not Latvian. If the server is in another country, you may just have to live with that. So, for a specific date string $date with "Mar 04, 2010" ("M d, Y" format), you want to spell out the full month in Latvian? No problem. Wherever you have a date that includes the 3-letter English abbreviation for the month, in variable $date (say), add:

$date = replaceMon($date);

Add the following function, making sure that it is available to all pages that need it (perhaps add it to application_top.php?):

function replaceMon($Date) {
 // replace English 3 letter month abbreviation with full Latvian month name
 switch(substr($Date(0,3)) {
   case 'Jan': $Date = "Janvāris" . substr($Date,3); break;
   case 'Feb': $Date = "Februāris". substr($Date,3); break;
   case 'Mar': $Date = "Marts". substr($Date,3); break;
    ... etc. ...
 return $Date;

I think that should work OK, even if you're working in UTF-8.

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$date = replaceMon($date);

Add the following function, making sure that it is available to all pages that need it (perhaps add it to application_top.php?):

function replaceMon($Date) {
 // replace English 3 letter month abbreviation with full Latvian month name
 switch(substr($Date(0,3)) {
   case 'Jan': $Date = "Janvāris" . substr($Date,3); break;
   case 'Feb': $Date = "Februāris". substr($Date,3); break;
   case 'Mar': $Date = "Marts". substr($Date,3); break;
 return $Date;



This code makes error with { at the beginig, i`ll will try to fix this...


i`m open for more solutions!

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Oops, my bad.

switch(substr($Date(0,3))) {

Add missing ).



I get this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function Mar 04, 2010() in /var/www/testshop/includes/application_top.php on line 237

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Arrrrrgh! That's what happens when I rush.

switch(substr($Date,0,3)) {

Only 8,192 permutations to go...


This work great!


But if i what to change the date from: date("M d, Y") to date("d M Y")


a assume i need to change the code for date transform?



Can i take a look somewhere the meaning of date ordering for function substr($Date,0,3)

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This work great!

Phew! I was wondering how long it would take for me to get it!


But if i what to change the date from: date("M d, Y") to date("d M Y")


a assume i need to change the code for date transform?

If your date format is 04 Mar 2010, it gets a little bit more complicated:

switch(substr($Date,3,3)) {
   case 'Jan': $Date = substr($Date,0,3) . "Janvāris" . substr($Date,7); break;


Can i take a look somewhere the meaning of date ordering for function substr($Date,0,3)

substr = substring function, extract some portion of $Date string

0 = starting index (first character)

3 = length (characters) (if not given, extract all the way to the end of the string)

Mar 04, 2010
0   4   8    substr($Date,0,3) = "Mar", substr($Date,3) = " 04, 2010"

04 Mar 2010
0  3   7     substr($Date,3,3) = "Mar", substr($Date,0,3) = "04 ", substr($Date,7) = "2010"



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Phew! I was wondering how long it would take for me to get it!



If your date format is 04 Mar 2010, it gets a little bit more complicated:

switch(substr($Date,3,3)) {
   case 'Jan': $Date = substr($Date,0,3) . "Janvāris" . substr($Date,7); break;



substr = substring function, extract some portion of $Date string

0 = starting index (first character)

3 = length (characters) (if not given, extract all the way to the end of the string)

Mar 04, 2010
0   4   8    substr($Date,0,3) = "Mar", substr($Date,3) = " 04, 2010"

04 Mar 2010
0  3   7     substr($Date,3,3) = "Mar", substr($Date,0,3) = "04 ", substr($Date,7) = "2010"




Thank you a lot!

This is great!

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Thank you a lot!

This is great!



EDIT: Deleted the post


I need get some sleep, i was putting the files in wrong test shop!


DUMB me :D

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  $months = array('Janvaris', 'Februaris', 'Marts', 'Aprilis', 'Maijs', 'Junijs', 'Julijs', 'Augusts', 'Septembris', 'Oktobris', 'Novembris', 'Decembris');
 $date =  strftime('%d '.substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0, 3).' %Y'); // use this for day month year format
 $date =  strftime(substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0, 3) . ' %d %Y'); // use this for month day year format

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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  $months = array('Janvaris', 'Februaris', 'Marts', 'Aprilis', 'Maijs', 'Junijs', 'Julijs', 'Augusts', 'Septembris', 'Oktobris', 'Novembris', 'Decembris');
 $date =  strftime('%d '.substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0, 3).' %Y'); // use this for day month year format
 $date =  strftime(substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0, 3) . ' %d %Y'); // use this for month day year format


Thank you!


but i think here i need to make some coreections:


$months = array('Janvaris', 'Februaris', 'Marts123456789asdfg', 'Aprilis', 'Maijs', 'Junijs', 'Julijs', 'Augusts', 'Septembris', 'Oktobris', 'Novembris', 'Decembris');
 $date2 =  strftime('%d '.substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0).' %Y'); // use this for day month year format
 $date2 =  strftime(substr( $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0) . ' %d %Y'); // use this for month day year format


I have replaced - > $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0, 3).' %Y');

with -> $months[strftime('%m')-1], 0).' %Y');


Because the word length was limited to 3 simbols!

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