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Removing Credit Cards


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Right now am using version 2.2RC and my customer has been getting people using american express which he doesn't accept and wants me to remove it but I don't see anywhere to remove it in the configuration. How do I remove that credit card from the store without effecting its operation? Also he doesn't process the cards using a module he processes them himself. Any help would be greatfully accepted.

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Right now am using version 2.2RC and my customer has been getting people using american express which he doesn't accept and wants me to remove it but I don't see anywhere to remove it in the configuration. How do I remove that credit card from the store without effecting its operation? Also he doesn't process the cards using a module he processes them himself. Any help would be greatfully accepted.

Well the first thing is to make sure your client is aware that the credit card module was not designed as a production modules and you can not accept any responsibility in him using it. Get it in writing (this will reinforce the critical nature of using the cc module in a production environment.)


Then make sure he is aware that if his network is not fully, and completely secure, and any credit card number gets out of his hands, he could be subjec to tens of thousands of dollars in fines.


And, make sure he is aware that his credit card processor may require a supplemental agreement for taking internet orders due to the higher risk category they impose.


Then, once you are fully protected against him blaming you for anything....go to /catalog/includes/classes/cc_validation.php and make your edits there.

Community Bootstrap Edition, Edge


Avoid the most asked question. See How to Secure My Site and How do I...?

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