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Is customer login required


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I can't see anything in the admin panel which disables this - so that people could just shop without creating an account.


is this possible?



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One page checkout requires an account be made. Purchase without account still requires customer information for billing and shipping purposes. SO, anyway you look at it the customer will have to provide at least SOME information to be able to make a purchase.




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One page checkout requires an account be made. Purchase without account still requires customer information for billing and shipping purposes. SO, anyway you look at it the customer will have to provide at least SOME information to be able to make a purchase.




Is it wise to have people able to buy without creating an account and having a password and usuername? What would stop somebody really messing up your stock? You can always limit the amount of info you hold by getting rid of a lot of boxes in the create account php but as DunWeb says it helps to know to whom and to where you are going to send things. Credit card details etc can be given over to Pay pay or the like.


Regards Mel

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