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Short Description


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How is possible that short description will consider the html code?


If you check here:




The short description don't consider new lines and other html tags, but when you go on "Details" page of the product in the long description there are considered html tags.

It would require code changes that would break other parts of osC, like Searches and a lot of unknowns...

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so there is no possibilities, maybe some addons or something? That just \n new lines will shows?

There are all kinds of add ons that modify the product listings. Perhaps one of them will suit your needs. Search the Contributions for Short Description.

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So for item #129, you want the text to be formatted as you entered it?

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Was that how you entered the product description text in the first place, or were there HTML tags in it? Probably the easiest thing would be to run the product description text through nl2br(), which inserts <br/> at every end-of-line. There may be an add-on to do that already. Or, use <pre> and </pre> tags around the text to suppress "reflow" of the lines.


Of course, if you suppress HTML formatting of the text, it will look odd when your display area becomes wider or narrower...

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