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Site Size appearance on computers

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I've viewed my site on several different computers and I've noticed it doesn't look the same. On some computers my site and content looks too big (which interferes with the look) and on others it looks smaller.

Can anyone tell me how to edit my site so my site looks great in every resolution.


Thank you.

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You have a variable width header and footer but your body is a fixed width. You need to change it to variable as well.


Also, your banner should not be larger than 1000px. You have several things going on there and some of the code is not cross browser compatible.




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You have a variable width header and footer but your body is a fixed width. You need to change it to variable as well.


Also, your banner should not be larger than 1000px. You have several things going on there and some of the code is not cross browser compatible.




thanks for your help Chris :)

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