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The e-commerce.



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Hi all, my question is if it would be posible to configure my oscommerce like if it was a public advertisement site. The idea is that users can put announcements of their products and all visitors can see the announcements but visitors cannot put any announcements.


Another question if it would be posible to restrict the registration option.


Thanks and excuse my poor english.

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Sounds like you are looking for a classifieds type of site ?? If that is the case, I did a site a few months back that allowed people to upload images and text that had to be approved by the administrator before being posted to the site but I have to say, there are better solutions for this if you are going to be doing it on a large scale.





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Oh, what I need is a web that allow registered users to put advertisements with a few fotographs and a description and allow unregistered visitors to read the advertisements but cannot put their own advertisements without registration (indeed, the registration will be restricted).


I was asking myself if there was a module to do this beacuse my web programation knowledge is short, very short.


Thanks for answering

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