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site hack with queries


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Hi all,


Found a user in who's online in this url:

http://www.<myshop.com>/<catalog folder name>/index.php/product-m-28?sort=../../../../../../../../../../../../../<rootfoldername>/passwd


Obviously he is trying to insert a query (which is identified by ? symbol)


I searched a little in google and found multiple options for this.


Basically in my opinion and im not a specialist what needs to be done is simply block all and every queries that are made in browser that attempt to go outside the <catalog folder name> in terms of folders structure.


This involves .htaccess right!?


Ok i would like to start here the analysis of this situations... thanks in advance

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Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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Adding the following to your .htaccess file might work:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  \.\./\.\./
RewriteRule  ^.* - [F]

This should block any query string (after "?") with ../../ in it. If you have any legitimate queries like that, add another \.\./ or two. I can't promise it will work, but if it doesn't, just remove it. Changing QUERY_STRING to REQUEST_URI might deal with a wider range of hacks. Feel free to test it.

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Adding the following to your .htaccess file might work:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  \.\./\.\./
RewriteRule  ^.* - [F]

This should block any query string (after "?") with ../../ in it. If you have any legitimate queries like that, add another \.\./ or two. I can't promise it will work, but if it doesn't, just remove it. Changing QUERY_STRING to REQUEST_URI might deal with a wider range of hacks. Feel free to test it.


WOW thanks for your feedback :> i will try to implement this.

Nice to know there are people here so much helpfull . thanks.

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