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The e-commerce.

category_depth variable?


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New to osCommerce and working on setting it up for our website.

In the includes/languages/english/index.php file I noticed it has


} elseif ($category_depth == 'top') {


I am just wondering where this category_depth variable is declared/set?




O yeah... one more newbie/stupid question... where do I do the

define(TITLE, "blah");


I looked in the main index.php file and noticed that's the thing it uses for the title of the page... so could somoene please mention where this is defined (probably with a bunch of other important definitions that I can't seem to find)[/code]

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The Categories depth I believe is calculated in both application_top.php and default.php. Look for reference to $cpath.


You can find your TITLE items in catalog/includes/languages/english.php.


Good Luck.



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