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Edit order and send Paypal Invoice


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I'm trying to figure out a way of achieving the following;


1. Customer makes a purchase and goes through checkout process.


2. Admin receives order, checks stock and manually adds the shipping cost.


3. Customer then receives and updated (or new) order email with a link to Paypal so they can pay the new price.




I understand the correct way of achieving this is to know shipping costs and use quantities, however this is not possible for us.


Any ideas would be appreciated :)

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Smeagol!


Did you find a solution to your question? I would like to do the same! Sometimes I have customers who upgrade items and would like to "invoice" them through the Orders.php page and have that information captured without the use of "notes"...


I can use an Order Editor but I would still like the payment side captured in the order status for history.


Let me know what you came up with! ;)

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