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The e-commerce.

stylesheet.css un-accessible


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My domain/stylesheet.css




are all accessible (read-able).

Should it be?

How to make it "HTTP 404 Not Found"? Thanks.

The file permissions are 644 now

644 is fine.


If it aint broke, don't fix it.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? A CSS file must be readable by anyone (644 or 444 permissions), or your pages won't be styled. There's no way I know of to get a 404 error on a CSS file, yet still have it read to style pages. Anyone can grab a copy of the CSS file and read its source. As for the two PHP files, no one should be able to read their source from a browser, no matter what the permissions. They could certainly run the files, and whatever the consequences are of that action.

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There is certainly a way of doing it, but what's the point? There is nothing in the css file that is a danger to security. Are you trying to protect some intellectual rights or something?


I am now in OSC and almost know nothing about it, unlike someone here is very advanced.


I thought it was weird that the stylesheet.css could be read by typing domain/stylesheet.css in anyone’s browser.


I tried a few OSC stores and they came out with “HTTP 404 Not Found", that was why I had question on it.


If it should be, just let it there.


For the other two files, I never saw them at other online stores when I made purchase, and no where could be accessed in store pages, not sure what would be a case they would come out.



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