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Payment info on checkout_payment page


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Hopefully someone has some insight on this..


Ever since upgrading from MS2.2 to RC2.2a I've had issues with the payment method entry being on the checkout_confirmation page instead of it being on the checkout_payment page as it was in the MS2.2 version. Doesn't make sense that it's on the checkout_confirmation page instead of the checkout_payment page. This alos doesn't allow customers to actually VERIFY/CONFIRM that the info is correct before submitting it for processing.


I'm not that up on classes but it appears in the payment class/selection function is not returning the payment method's titles/fields until the checkout_confirmation page. How can I get this info to return to the checkout_payment page so that customers can select/enter their info and then actually CONFIRM it on the checkout_confirmation page. I've been able to hack(hate that word) it onto the checkout_payment page, but I want it done correctly using the payment class functions?






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