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Extra funtion in quick search needed


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I am looking for a contribution or a solution that enables me to quick search through attributes.


For example: I have 2 attributes, size and colour. In the quick-search I can choose with a drop-down the attributes, and then in the second drop-down I can then choose the available values.


I've been looking for something like that but unsuccessfully so far.


I'm hoping one of you can help me with this.



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I am looking for a contribution or a solution that enables me to quick search through attributes.


For example: I have 2 attributes, size and colour. In the quick-search I can choose with a drop-down the attributes, and then in the second drop-down I can then choose the available values.


I've been looking for something like that but unsuccessfully so far.


I'm hoping one of you can help me with this.






This might be helpful





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