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The e-commerce.

Anyone got any ideas?


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I'm talking about the look of the site only;


Nothing majorly wrong. Nothing majorly right either. It's basically standard osCommerce with a new logo.


Spice it up a bit. Search Google for osCommerce Hot 100

and you will see what can be done with osCommerce

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I'm talking about the look of the site only;


Nothing majorly wrong. Nothing majorly right either. It's basically standard osCommerce with a new logo.


Spice it up a bit. Search Google for osCommerce Hot 100

and you will see what can be done with osCommerce



Well, I just did the search. Makes me wanna throw up :(, Lolsssss and also delete my store, and forget about the whole thing. If it weren't because i've spent the last 7 days barely sleeping, trying to spice it up, I would do it right now. Anyways, I think I've come quite a long way, ofcourse, much much much more way to go. I'm posting my site here, to get any suggestions, it's on my signature, if anyone would like to take a look and tear me to pieces lolsss, Thanks everyone who posts on this forum and helps out!!!

I Hate PHP, LoLssss

Visit My Site, Any constructive comments and suggestions Welcome :)


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As a previous poster has said, it is fairly standard oscommerce. What i would do is search the contributions and find one that will centre your store, and add a different background to it. Its not hard to do, and will take no more than a few minutes.


Remove or replace those silly oscommerce cartoon images. By right clicking the image on every page, you should be able to remove the code easily.


Do a google search for oscommerce button generator, and upload some new buttons that match your site. Again its not hard to do.


On your product_onfo pages remove the "this product was added" text. Wht do you need it there.


In the top navbar you have top and catolog both leading to the same place remove one of them. There is a very good how do i section at the top of the install section of this website.


Themn you can start by adding some contributions to your site such as am image contributin that will give you smaller thumbnails.


Good luck


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