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OSC Affiliate


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I downloaded, and installed the osc affiliate module. Woohoo, works great. Easier to install than I expected.


A couple of questions though, I would like to make some changes if I can.


1, The person I am installling it for, would prefer to give an in store credit, rather than pay out cash once their credit reaches a certain dollar value. Is it possible to add this function?


2, I would like to move the affiliate box off the front page. Perhaps put it on a seporate page So it can only be accessed by being given a special page link, after requesting information, or by applying. Would doing this cause problems?


The concern is, that if to many people are able to sign up to fast, all at once if the orders start comming in, the store owner won't be able to meet the product demand.


3, Is it possible to make html frames for the affiliates and pull the store into the individualised frames? so the affiliate link can be www.thedomain.com/jesica


4,There are product images that do not show up when people generate their product codes,I just get the blank image box with the X Is there a fix for this?


5, Loging intot he affiliate programs works. I did have an error page when trying to access (my account) I searched around and changed some of the code. Now when I click on my account it brings me to the standard osc account log in page. This means affiliates have to log in twise, depending on weather they are shopping, or want to look at their affiliate information. Is my site running backward a**, or are these two logins integrated? If not is there a way to integrate them?



Thanxs so much for help,


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