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Migrating Only Customer and Product Info from 2.2-MS2 to 2.2-RC2


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I created a site about 5 years ago using OSC 2.2-MS2 and in that time have collected around 250 customers. Currently, I am in the process or redesigning the website using OSC 2.2-RC2 and have installed a number of contributions. I was wondering if there was an easy way to import just the customers/info/orders and products into the new database without messing up the new database I've modified through these contributions (STS, Ultimate SEO Urls, OSC thumbnail, Dynamic Sitemap, Header Tags SEO, Product Listing Enhancements, Thumbnails and Manufacturing Headings, and Discount Coupon Codes).


Thanks in advance!



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You can export the customer table from the old database and import it into the new database. Ensure that the tables have the same fields in them before doing this, if there was a modification to the customers table in either database, this will not work without SQL being altered.





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You can export the customer table from the old database and import it into the new database. Ensure that the tables have the same fields in them before doing this, if there was a modification to the customers table in either database, this will not work without SQL being altered.






Great, thanks for the help Chris!

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