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Tax and Shipping


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Hi, I'm in the process of doing some final tweaks for a customer. He has a shop, in the UK. Initially he wanted goods only to go to the UK, so VAT was set up and various shipping rates to the UK, and it all seemed to work fine. He has since had some enquiries from Italy/Sweden and requested that we add these locations to the system, so we set up the following:


Customers can register and set their country correctly, fill their cart, and check out. This was all working with a special shipping rate for the EU and rest of World as extras to the UK shipping options. Also, he wants the UK shipping options to only show for UK customers, EU shipping for EU customers and so on. We had set this up, and everything seemed fine. Same VAT rate to be added on his exports for EU and world as the UK (per his advice). However, when he came to add new products, the gross and net price added/deducted VAT 3 times. ie £100+VAT = £152.50 and not £117.50 like it should do.


Can someone advise me where I've gone wrong in setting up his tax and shipping?


I had the following for Taxes/Locations:


Countries all listed as expected. Country name + ISO2 and ISO3 codes.


Zones listed as Country + Country + Country code (I know this could be Country + County + County Code but it doesn't change things and haven't the time to add all counties back in as yet)


Tax zone: We had 3 zones, UK / EU / World. These all contained continents countries + country code


Tax Classes is just taxable rate and description


Tax rates were 3 settings, all of 17.5% for UK / EU / World


I mention the above in past tense, as to get the admin to work and calculate the gross/net tax correctly I have set all tax zones as UK and just given the user the option to select their own shipping dependant of where they are. He is not happy with this though and wants only EU to show for an EU customer and so on. I can see his point, I wouldn't want to rely on people being honest about their shipping costs - I know he doesn't have to ship etc, but it may be an employee who processes it and doesn't pay attention etc.


The frustrating issue is that it was all so close to working, but the admin side seemed to be adding or subtracting all 3 tax rates together. Is there a way to change the admin so that (Line 577+ from admin/categories.php):


<td class="main"><?php echo TEXT_PRODUCTS_PRICE_GROSS; ?></td>

<td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '24', '15') . ' ' . tep_draw_input_field('products_price_gross', $pInfo->products_price, 'OnKeyUp="updateNet()"'); ?></td>


adds/subtracts the tax correctly or can someone suggest an alternative method? Thanks in advance. Matt :unsure:

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