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How can I make several products become 1 product


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We are trying to come up with a way to have several products show up on a single product_info page and have that page treat all of the products on that page as (1) add to cart function. Also, we need it to calculate the sum of the items for the sake of offering a discount for quantity. And finally, treat the sum of the products as 1 review for the original product_info page. Much like a kit.


So product_info page for phony Product 1 (product ID #1) would show real Product A (product ID #2), Product B (ID# 3), Product C (ID# 4), and Product D (ID#5).


The tricky part is that the user gets to input how many of each product he/she would like to add to the cart. Again, need to have the cart treat the sum of the products as a single total for the purpose of calculating a discount and I need to have the reviews function look at phony Product 1 only.


We have sort of "forced" some of this functionality, but unfortunately in doing so, lost the static nature of the site. An example of what I am referring to can be found here:




Thanks in advance for anyone with ideas!



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Not sure if this helps, but one thing would be to add an image add on for additional images, then create the kit using attributes.

Have 1 main product.

Then an attribute of main product plus additional item A.




I thought of this at one time Tim, but did have some concerns. Things like inventory levels for each "sub product" getting lost when treated as just a color or option. Unless you know of a way around that limitation.



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I thought of this at one time Tim, but did have some concerns. Things like inventory levels for each "sub product" getting lost when treated as just a color or option. Unless you know of a way around that limitation.



It was just an idea off the top of my head. The addon suggested by Chris sounds a whole lot better.



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