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Disable a shipping method if product qty >=21


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Hi All.


Im trying to disable a shipping method if product qty >=21 so request for shipping quote is only available shipping option


in checkout_shipping.php i have, i have tested this code below and it works fine

     $products_query = tep_db_query("select products_id, customers_basket_quantity from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BASKET . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "'");
     $qty=0; //set to false
     while ($products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
     if (($products['customers_basket_quantity']) >= 21) {
$qty21=1; // set to true if qty of a product is >=21
   if (sizeof($quotes) > 1 && sizeof($quotes[0]) > 1) {



now in the shipping mod i have added this code



// class methods

   function quote($method = '') {

     global $order;

// disable the module if  free downloads or product qty >=21

     if ($this->enabled == true) {

       global $cart, $qty21;

      if (($cart->show_total() == 0.00) || ($qty21==1)) {

         $this->enabled = false;




but it does not work on $qty21, yet disables it, if product price is 0.00, any one know what i am doing wrong?


Thanks for any help in advance


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if product qty >=21


per product quantity or per cart?


If the number of items in the cart >= 21 (in total, widgets AND wodgets)


If the number of individual products >=21 (in other words, could they use this shipping method if they had 20 widgets AND 20 wodgets in their cart?)

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if product qty >=21


per product quantity or per cart?


If the number of items in the cart >= 21 (in total, widgets AND wodgets)


If the number of individual products >=21 (in other words, could they use this shipping method if they had 20 widgets AND 20 wodgets in their cart?)


If the number of individual products >=21 (in other words, could they use this shipping method if they had 20 widgets AND 20 wodgets in their cart) yes it shouldnt be disabled


It must only be disabled if a certain product has 21 or more products in the cart


So if it was product A qty 11 and product B qty 20, normal shipping should still be enabled



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If the number of individual products >=21 (in other words, could they use this shipping method if they had 20 widgets AND 20 wodgets in their cart) yes it shouldnt be disabled


It must only be disabled if a certain product has 21 or more products in the cart


So if it was product A qty 11 and product B qty 20, normal shipping should still be enabled



I just cant understand why $qty21 is not being passed/seen in the shipping module



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      $qty=0; //set to false

Did you mean

      $qty21=0; //set to false

? Otherwise sometimes $qty21 is set, other times it's not.


For booleans, you're probably better off using true and false instead of 1 and 0.


I don't know for sure if "globals" will bring in $qty21 for a class function. With classes, variable scoping may be a little bit different than with just plain functions.


Anyone familiar enough with OO in PHP to answer this?

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      $qty=0; //set to false

Did you mean

      $qty21=0; //set to false

? Otherwise sometimes $qty21 is set, other times it's not.


For booleans, you're probably better off using true and false instead of 1 and 0.


I don't know for sure if "globals" will bring in $qty21 for a class function. With classes, variable scoping may be a little bit different than with just plain functions.


Anyone familiar enough with OO in PHP to answer this?

Hi Phil,


Your right i did mean

      $qty21=0; //set to false


Strange thing is the global works on cart

      if ($this->enabled == true) {
       global $cart;
      if ($cart->show_total() == 0.00) {
         $this->enabled = false;

That works fine if cart price is 0.00 shipping module gets disabled



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Register it as a session variable instead.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Register it as a session variable instead.

Hi Germ,


Are you able to give me an example, i have tried a few varitions


in checkout_shipping.php









and keeping or removing global $qty21

in the shipping module and still having no luck



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I would have coded it like this:


      $qty21=0; //set to false
     if ( ! tep_session_is_registered('qty21') )  {

I've never lost a variable value doing it like that (provided the session isn't lost).

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I would have coded it like this:


      $qty21=0; //set to false
     if ( ! tep_session_is_registered('qty21') )  {

I've never lost a variable value doing it like that (provided the session isn't lost).

Hi Germ,


Big thanks that worked



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