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The e-commerce.

need a recurring service, not a physical product


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I would like to use oscommerce with my godaddy account for a service based store. customers are purcasing a service that gets billed weekly and biweekly. In the oscommerce admin panel I am not finding a feature that allows a product to have recurring billing. Does oscommerce have this ability?


The shopping cart is also needs to interface with quickbooks, is this possible?

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I would like to use oscommerce with my godaddy account for a service based store. customers are purcasing a service that gets billed weekly and biweekly. In the oscommerce admin panel I am not finding a feature that allows a product to have recurring billing. Does oscommerce have this ability?


The shopping cart is also needs to interface with quickbooks, is this possible?

There are a few addons for recurring billing and some to help interface with Quickbooks


I haven't used any of them.

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The recurring part of mine occurs at the credit card processing level. I created a product called 'subscription' (for example) with a complete explanation of the monthly billing, and put it as a product.


On purchase, my credit card processor has an option for me to make the transaction a recurring billing. I manually set that at the time of purchase and have to manually turn it off on cancellation.


No changes to the osC files at all. It all happens at my cc processor.



Whatever works for you....

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