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The e-commerce.

My site does not show?


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I bought an oscommerce template and a domain name at hostgator.

I installed everything correctly (i think) by using an filezilla and uploading my osc (catalog) and going to my address and installing it that way.

I uploaded all my items and finally finished but when I go to my site address it just goes to the host gator default page with options to go to control panel and such.

Can anyone help me set this right?


I went back and installed oscommerce through fantastico or something like that but it seems like thats not what im looking for as I also have a template I need to upload.

Problem is that the template doesn't seem to be connected my site address.

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It sounds like you made 2 installations, one via fantastico and one for the template?


Is the template you bought a complete installation or just the template related files?


Te best is, you go to your cpanel and look where is what located

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There are some templates that come with ALL osCommerce files included. So you need to upload and install this and nothing more. Some other templates contain just the necessary files ie hedaer, footer etc etc


I don't know what you uloaded and to where. You need to fond this out first, the way to do it is to go to your cpanel and look where the files are located

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So i'm still not getting what multimixer is trying to say.

I cannot seem to tell if my template came with all the necessary files or not.

The site is www.parislee.net hosted by hostgator.

I've installed the template once before through the documentation that came with the template but when I go to my site the site does not show anything.

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So, ok, right now you have the stock osCommerce installed.


If you want to install a template now, it all depends from the "type" of the template, so in real only the template seller can help you.


Anyway, lets try. Saying "template" there is a filestructure that you got and that have now on your computer, right? There are files and folders. Take a look at them. Are they like all fies of the stock osCommerce installation, or just some?


Is there also a database coming with the template you bought?

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