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Need some help in customizing STS


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If this isn't the correct forums for this let me know. The link in the user manual for STS didn't seem to work.


I'm looking to rename the products URL to something more friendly to the end user. Right now it looks like it just pulls up the product_id field for the URL. However for the life of me I can't find where it does then in the code because then I could just add a new field with the URL name and direct it to there instead. I also need the meta keyswords, description, and title but I found a program that could do that for me.


I'm also looking to import a large amount of products which I should just be able to import a csv file into the SQL database. Seeing how I didn't construct this database I am unsure what some of the fields mean or refer to is there a list of them somewhere?


I can't seem to find the shipping information either.

Edited by Vestax159
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I don't know how your questions are related to STS, I also don't think that you did any big effort in searching for the forum. You also posted in the v3 forum, and sts doesn't exist for v3. So you either don't use STS or you use version2 of osCommerce



1) To rename the url's you need an other addon, there are 2-3 available all called "SEO urls" some ultimate some others not

2) To have nice meta info you need to install a addon like header tags seo, there are others promising similar results too

3) You need to be more specific with your third question, what exactly do you need? A list of all fields or what?

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