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The e-commerce.

Very basic help


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I am a digital immigrant. I am desperately trying to figure out how to change the look (header, that fake text in the center of my store page, etc), but cannot even figure out where to "go" to do it. Where is Admin????




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After the installation was complete, there was a button "admin". Did you click it? It would take you to your admin


Anyway, f your store is at www.mydomain, then your admin is www.mydomain.com/admin If the store is www.mydomain/catalog/ then the admin is www.mydomain/catalog/admin etc


The "fake text" is telling you exactly where it is located and how to change it. But you can not do this via admin. You need a proper php editor and a ftp program

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Remember, What you think I ment may not be what I thought I ment when I said it.




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THANK YOU! I haven't read everything yet, but I am hoping and praying a solution is among the documents.


Problem: When I enter www.mysite.com/catalog/admin... I don't get anywhere... I get a Google error message that I do not exist.




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THANK YOU! I haven't read everything yet, but I am hoping and praying a solution is among the documents.


Problem: When I enter www.mysite.com/catalog/admin... I don't get anywhere... I get a Google error message that I do not exist.




Can you access the store? where is it located?

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THANK YOU! I haven't read everything yet, but I am hoping and praying a solution is among the documents.


Problem: When I enter www.mysite.com/catalog/admin... I don't get anywhere... I get a Google error message that I do not exist.



Your store is at www.mysite.com/shop so your admin is at www.mysite.com/shop/admin

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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- Me -


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