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How do I require customer to enter shipping address for every order?


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I am tying to find a way to require a customer to enter the shipping address for every order. I do not want the shipping address to be automatically filled in from the customer registration information. In my application, a flower shop, the shipping is usually to a different address than the credit card holder.

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I am tying to find a way to require a customer to enter the shipping address for every order. I do not want the shipping address to be automatically filled in from the customer registration information. In my application, a flower shop, the shipping is usually to a different address than the credit card holder.


Its already there. Well it is in my shop have changed the wording a bit in checkout_shipping_address.php but it does say on the checkout_shipping php page of the checkout "please choose from your address book where you would like the items delivered to" then underneath that is a button to put in delivery address. I sell flowers and plants and often the delivery address is one of the market stalls I go to so its used a lot I have put on the checkout_shipping page a reminder to change the shipping address if it is different to the invoice(billing)address.


Regards Mel

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