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Customers able to purchase deleted products


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This is a really strange problem.


I have had at least 6 instances where a customer has been able to go through the check out process and purchase items that have been deleted from inventory. I can understand a outdated link on Google or some other search engine but I would think if the customer clicked on the link, he would get an error like 'product not found'. Instead, he can purchase it as if it were a current item.


Looking at the link in 'visitor' where the customer made the purchase. It will take you to the item if the link is followed. If you take the item number and do a search, then the item is not found.


I have deleted all caches from the website yet this problem still persists.


Anyone seen this?



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This is a really strange problem.


I have had at least 6 instances where a customer has been able to go through the check out process and purchase items that have been deleted from inventory. I can understand a outdated link on Google or some other search engine but I would think if the customer clicked on the link, he would get an error like 'product not found'. Instead, he can purchase it as if it were a current item.


Looking at the link in 'visitor' where the customer made the purchase. It will take you to the item if the link is followed. If you take the item number and do a search, then the item is not found.


I have deleted all caches from the website yet this problem still persists.


Anyone seen this?




I seem to remember this question coming up before. So I tried a little test.

If you have an item in your cart and log off, then the item is marked out of stock, when you log in the next time it is still in your cart and you can complete the checkout process.

I did not try actually removing the product completely, only marked it out of stock in admin. My store is set up to not show out of stock items, but since it was saved in my cart, it showed up when I logged back in.



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I seem to remember this question coming up before. So I tried a little test.

If you have an item in your cart and log off, then the item is marked out of stock, when you log in the next time it is still in your cart and you can complete the checkout process.

I did not try actually removing the product completely, only marked it out of stock in admin. My store is set up to not show out of stock items, but since it was saved in my cart, it showed up when I logged back in.




On two of these, I checked to see when the customer created the account. Both were on the same day the order was made. The items were deleted back in September '09. Haven't had one of these in about three weeks now. It started around December.

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